Seven Myths About Nice Teams

Posting Date: August 07, 2010

By: Brian Cole Miller

Nice teams mistakenly believe that playing nice is what cooperation and teamwork are all about. They believe that getting along requires people to be nice to each other—all the time. They collectively believe the seven most common myths about nice teamwork.

Read the Seven Myths. Then read the sad truth about each of the myths in the full article available in our publication library. Click here to go to our library.

Myth 1: We only praise each other, and we do it often! We have nothing but positive, uplifting things to say to each other. We don't waste time and energy criticizing each other or finding fault. Constructive feedback and developmental feedback are negative, and we don't need that stuff pulling us down.

Myth 2: We stay focused on the task and don't get sidetracked by talking about things that aren't directly related to the task that needs to get done! Positive and optimistic, we come to agreement quickly and efficiently. We don't let negative thinking get us down. We are quick to take action!

Myth 3: Our clients love us because we always find a way to say "yes!" We're not here to say "no" to them. It may be tough, but we'll find a way to include everyone's request on our master work plan. We'll do anything to keep them happy!

Myth 4: We respect each other and the strengths each team member brings to the team! As acknowledged professionals, we don't doubt, challenge, or second-guess each other. Our leader is especially revered and respected. When our team leader makes a decision, we are saved the time and trouble of working out which way to go.

Myth 5: We refrain from unnecessary conflict and confrontation! There's no place here for fighting and arguing. We get along well, and we all play NICEly together. Everyone likes each other and cooperates for the good of the team!

Myth 6: We are open and flexible and freewheeling! We are always open to new information whenever it is available. We don't allow ourselves to be tied to agendas and timelines in meetings. We don't bind each other with roles and responsibilities but remain flexible in how each of us approaches work.

Myth 7: We are efficient! We don't waste time talking about feelings and emotions. We focus on the task, not on each other. When interpersonal relationship issues come up, we move to resolve them as quickly as possible so that they don't get in the way of the real work we're doing.

Excerpted, with permission of the publisher, from Nice Teams Finish Last by Brian Cole Miller. Copyright 2010, Brian Cole Miller, 2010. Published by AMACOM, American Management Association.

About the Author(s):  Brian Cole Miller is the principal of Working Solutions. Inc. He’s author of Nice Teams Finish Last, published by AMACOM.

Read the Seven Myths. Then read the sad truth about each of the myths in the full article available in our publication library. Click here to go to our library.

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