Business Intelligence Data & Metrics, A Focus Experts Briefing

by Eric Britten

If you're not familiar with FOCUS as a resource for business information, you should check it out.  (Click here to go there.)  Here's the introduction from the site:

Focus provides millions of professionals with the expertise they need to make better business decisions. At the heart of Focus is a network of world class business and technology experts. These experts power the real time Q&A, world class research, and personalized support that so many businesses now depend on. Best of all, Focus is free and available to anyone who wants to make better business decisions, faster.

Recently, Focus published an expert's briefing on business intelligence (BI) and key performance indicators (KPIs).  Contributing authors to the briefing are Kirsty Lee, Wayne Kernochan and myself.  You can view the briefing in our Article Library.  Click here to go there.

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