What tactics foster collaboration and cooperation?”

by Eric Britten

From a Q&A on FOCUS.

The original question had specifically to do with issues between the sales and marketing functions within an organization.  But, sales and marketing are not the only two functions that suffer from a lack of understanding, teamwork and cooperation.  My response is applicable to any areas in an organization where these issues exist.  Here's the post and my response:

"Sales and Marketing Alignment: What tactics foster collaboration and cooperation?  What do you do or have you seen done that works?"

There are two activities that have been successful for me in situations like this.
First, a strategy planning session composed primarily of sales and marketing staff (but including other stakeholders also) serves to get both groups focused on the same corporate goals. Once the common goals and vision are established, the group can then begin to discuss strategies. Often the discussion unveils the dysfunction between the groups. But, good facilitation can help the group work through their divergent perspectives and begin building a collaborative environment. Once the groups are working together, ongoing effective communications and teamwork toward executing the plan can keep the synergies in place.

A second effective activity that I have used is process improvement. Engaging either the sales or marketing group in process improvement requires that their internal stakeholders/customers be involved in the activity, so you can start with either group. Mapping out the sales and/or marketing process will lead to the identification of pain points and problems within the process, which will point to the dysfunction between the functions/departments. Employing normal process improvement procedures will get the groups engaged in working together to resolve the issues.
I have found both of these practices effective in starting a collaboration, but the key to sustainability is in not letting procedures revert to the old ways. Collaboration is everyone's responsibility, so everyone from the exec's on down need clear direction that retreat is not an option. Adding a couple of items in everyone's annual performance plan that addresses this is also helpful in motivating the groups to keep working together and working to resolve problems, issues or conflicts when they occur.

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