Have You Tested Your Strategy Lately?

That's the question asked by three consultants who work for McKinsey & Company, Chris Bradley, Martin Hirt, and Sven Smit in a white paper with the same title.

Their ten tests ..........

  1. Will your strategy beat the market?
  2. Does your strategy tap a true source of advantage?
  3. Is your strategy granular about where to compete?
  4. Does your strategy pout you ahead of trends?
  5. Does your strategy rest on privileged insights?
  6. Does your strategy embrace uncertainty?
  7. Does your strategy balance commitment and flexibility?
  8. Is your strategy contaminated by bias?
  9. Is there conviction to act on your strategy?
  10. Have you translated your strategy into an action plan?
Read Have You Tested Your Strategy Lately.  It's available in our business resource library.  Click here to go there.  In the library you will also find a follow up article that analyzes what 2,135 global executives replied when surveyed with those questions.  That article is titled "Putting Strategies To The Test".

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