Make It Real

John Schaefer, author of the The Vocational Shrink—An Analysis of the Ten Levels of Workplace Disillusionment, discusses five root causes of low employee morale in an article in AMA's Leader's Edge newsletter.

His fifth cause, Make It Real, truly is the root of many morale, trust, relationship and leadership issues in the workplace. He writes:

Suggestion #5—Make It Real
One of the first things to stress with your management team is what's called 'Making It Real.' This means being genuine and believable in interacting with their people. Employees tend to fall into some common negative habit patterns that employees experience when they feel underappreciated. When your managers understand how to be more open and vulnerable with their staff, they work towards trust, respect and improved communication.

'Making It Real' is the answer to the question, 'What is the root cause of low employee morale?' Maybe it's because it's so simple that it is so often missed, but without your people believing you are genuine, honest, and practicing high levels of integrity, any efforts you make to improve morale will be suspect. If you keep this in mind in your dealings with your people, you will be surprised how easy it is to improve morale and you can enjoy the benefits of higher productivity, better retention, lower costs, and an overall happier, more satisfying workplace.

To read his entire article, The Root Causes of Low Employee Morale, click here.

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