The Most Abused And Misunderstood Process

Recently I read a question on one of the online management forums I frequent that made me stop and laugh out loud. It was from a CEO, and it read: "I'm having a hard time with some of my HR staff. They're not executing their jobs effectively and are slacking off. I think they need more effective management in their department. How do I implement better management strategies in a department where the staff is supposed to know everything about that?" It seems the fox is in the henhouse.

Performance management remains one of the most misunderstood and abused processes in business today. And even when all the right elements are in place, its techniques remain elusive. Strategically, performance management is a way to align an organization behind its goals, values and job specific targets. It's a catalyst for cascading long and short term objectives. Bundled into a robust PM system are many tactical targets as well as effective metrics to measure success. Beneath the performance management umbrella falls annual performance planning and that much maligned sub-process, the performance review.

Engineered correctly, a successful performance management system also feeds other closely aligned HR processes such as training, talent management and succession planning. In fact some organizations who have developed their capabilities well split the process. Human Resources manages the process and strategists or corporate performance teams manage much of the content as it moves through the organization.

But organizations without the understanding or capability to put a strong performance management process in place may well find thermselves in the same situation as our hapless CEO who wonders, "How do I implement better management strategies in a department where the staff is supposed to know everything about that?"

There is a good article about part of the PM process in our Article Index (click here) "You're Doing Performance Reviews All Wrong. Check it out.

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