Six Mistakes Companies Are Making Today And How You Can Avoid Them

SAP has developed an interesting white paper focusing on six mistakes they believe many companies are making today.
The introduction reads: "When the economy slows, many businesses react by retrenching and cutting costs in order to weather the downturn. While such cost reduction is important, companies often overlook equally critical strategic decisions – opportunities to use valuable business information to strengthen product and service offerings and emerge ahead of the competition."

The paper suggests the six mistakes are:
1: Taking Existing Customers for Granted
2: Failing to Capitalize on Market Opportunities
3: Allowing Operational Inefficiencies to Persist
4: Letting Problems Go Undiagnosed and Uncorrected
5: Driving the Wrong Behavior in the Organization
6: Failing to Offer Transparency for Stakeholders

It's a thought-provoking article and a good read. At the end of the paper is a business intelligence self assessment that's quite worthwhile to take. It's short but revealing. You can download the white paper here.

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